The Italian National board is made up of 6 postdocs and PhD students from different Italian institutions







National Committee Representative



National Committee Representative


Pier Paolo

Member of the board


Member of the board



Member of the board



Member of the board


Postdoctoral researcher: Institute of Polar Sciences – National Research Council of Italy.

Research fields: Glaciology, Remote Sensing

Graduated in Natural Sciences, he carried out a PhD about the ablation areas in Antarctica by remote sensing applications and now deals with the analysis of Bio-Geo Albedo feedback at the Antarctic Ice-Sheet margins

Member of the board Pier Paolo Alfei

PhD in Institutions and Politics, Catholic University of Milan

Research fields: History of International Relations

His PhD project focused on the role played by Italy in Arctic exploration, with particular regard to the relation between polar expeditions and diplomacy.

Member of the board davide crupi

Master Student: University of Genoa

Research fields: Antarctic marine ecology, machine learning.

He is a Master’s student in Marine Biology and at the University of Genoa, and his thesis work focuses on the application of machine learning for the study of the Antarctic ecosystem.

National Committee Representative marianna d'amico

Postdoctoral Researcher: Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Research fields: Contaminants in Polar Regions and the Alps.

She is a geologist with a M.Sc. in Climate Change from the University of Copenhagen and a Master in Environmental Risk from the Technical University of Madrid. Her PhD project focused on the presence, transport, and fate of emerging contaminants in polar regions.

member of the board Sofia Cerri

PhD student: Polar Science, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

Research fields: Atmospheric Physic and Chemistry, Arctic Amplification, Aerosols.

She is an environmental scientist with a M.Sc. in Science and Technology for the Environment and the Territory from the University of Milan-Bicocca. Her PhD project deals with Arctic Amplification, studying the role of aerosols in the increased heating of the Arctic atmosphere.

National Committee Representative Alice Guzzi

PhD student: 3rd year in Environmental, Geological and Polar Sciences and Technologies. University of Siena.

Research fields: Marine Ecology

Graduated in Marine Sciences at the University of Genoa. During the PhD she worked on Antarctic Echinoderms using morphological and molecular approach and on the analysis of convergent evolution and cryptic diversity in Ophiuroids.

Member of the board Martina tenti

PhD in Polar Sciences. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Research fields: Geophysics, Polar Geomorphology

Graduated in Exploration and Applied Geophysics, at the University of Pisa. Her PhD project focused on geophysical data processing and interpretation to detect geomorphological structures formed on the seafloor during advance and retreat phases of Antarctic Ice Sheet after the Last Glacial Maximum.